Tuesday, 19 February 2013


1001 ways to inspire your organization, your team and yourself 
–David E.Rye

This book is all about what its Title says

Humans can be classified into four categories

Type1: Inspirational: Leaders, bit of arrogant, Goal Oriented
Type2: Creative: Emotional team members
Type3: Followers and conflict avoiders
Type4: Uncommitted and jovial

First and foremost thing to inspire is , to know to which type you and people around you belong to. Let us take a look at how to motivate others. On a day to day basis, we interact with many people around. Everything that we speak, everything that we do and everything we express is not haphazard. Everything has a hidden motive. All the actions that we do are inter related, our actions somehow would have an impact either positively or negatively. There is no such thing called, unplanned or without consequence. Our day to day actions and our interactions with people around decide our path and finally destination of ours. So, it is every important to understand people around so that you can help them and can seek help to reach destination.  Every type of person can be motivated if we can understand them well and do sincere effort.
Type1’s love to take control of things and are powerful leaders. They would plan ahead for them and for their closed ones. They would go any farther to get proper recognition to them and their team and deliver results. Negative side is that they can be insensitive. They can be motivated by letting them know they could be in control of the project and can get name for it. They could put your project on your table before your deadline.

Type2’s are very creative and emotional. They are very loyal to what they believe. They could be very suspicious of nature at times. They could use little leadership from Type1’s. In case your organization wants a job to be done and to be delivered with great quality. Types2’s are your life savers.

Type3’s are followers. They would normally don’t get into conflicts. They would avoid conflicts to the maximum extent possible. But, in case you get into conflicts with these you could face a passive wall of resistance. They are loyalists your organization.

Type4’s are insouciant and jovial in nature. They are not very committed. They can be motivated by playing to their populist card. They love technology gadgets

Finally, how to keep one self-motivated. You can keep yourself motivated all times provided you know your goal (professional & Personal). Biggest motivation that can drive us towards our goal is the progress we are making. So a quantifiable goal is always achievable in specified time, investing specific effort at regular intervals. This would itself keep us motivated.

Regards ,