Brave New World
-By Aldous Leonard Huxley
This is a futuristic story about
genetically engineered humans. An
organization called Hatcheries and Conditioning manufactures humans as per the
requirement of society. There are various types of humans: alpha, beta, gamma and epsilon. Alphas are the
supreme race and epsilons are designed to handle the low level jobs. The
company’s ultimate goal is to create a society where everyone is in harmony,
everything is planned and society without any anomalies. In an experiment, the
company manufactures 22,000 alphas and observes the civilization and patterns
of their lifestyles. As everyone is superior, those alphas that are asked to do
low level jobs revolt and end up toppling the government. This explains why
diversity is such an important factor in real world. Author explains the
struggle of everyone who wants to be different in their everyday life through a
character called john who tries to break up mundane life , but finally ends up
hurting himself . The way the author depicts the conditioning procedures of
humans is very absorbing. It’s really hard to imagine a society without bound
by rules and norms that author portrays in the novel , that’s why this is a
futuristic still even after 50 years it was written ..!
Kumar Matala